Over the past 20 years, what we hear most at the end of a workshop is “I wish I knew at the beginning of The Summit what I know now. I’d be so much further ahead!” We’ve taken that sentiment to heart, and have created an amazing wholistic experience that begins well before you arrive at the workshop, and continues long after.
JazzWire is an online, global community for adult jazz students, with hundreds of members from over 25 different counties. All musicians attending full days of the Saxophone Summit are JazzWire members, so your experience with us is unlike that of any other camp or workshop in the world.
Once you join JazzWire, you’ll be able to spend the months leading up to the Saxophone Summit digging deeper in to our music selections. You’ll be better prepared, more relaxed and confident, and you’ll have met ALL of your Summit workshop peers in advance. JazzWire is a subscription platform, at $50 USD/mo, and you get six months free.